The New-Parents Guide To Tummy Time

The New-Parents Guide To Tummy Time

Welcoming a new addition to the family is a joyous occasion filled with excitement and curiosity about the baby's development. As parents, we embark on a journey to ensure our little ones reach their milestones, and one crucial aspect of this journey is tummy time. 


What Is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is not just a cute name; it's a cornerstone in your baby's developmental journey. It involves placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. There’s loads of benefits…

Muscle Development

Tummy time is a workout for those tiny muscles in your baby's neck, shoulders, and upper body. This exercise helps build the strength necessary for future milestones like crawling, rolling over, and sitting up.

Visual and Sensory Stimulation

Placing your baby on their tummy allows them to see the world from a new perspective. This position encourages them to lift their heads, fostering visual and sensory exploration, and contributing to the development of vital skills.

Preparation for Crawling

Tummy time lays the groundwork for the exciting phase of crawling. As your baby pushes against the floor during tummy time, they develop the strength and coordination needed for the next stage in their motor development.

Social Interaction

Tummy time is not just about physical development; it's also an opportunity for bonding. Engaging with your baby face-to-face during this time fosters a sense of security and contributes to their social and emotional growth.

Cognitive Development

Tummy time encourages your baby to explore their surroundings actively. This hands-on approach stimulates their curiosity and enhances cognitive development.

Emotional Bonding

The close interaction during tummy time creates a strong emotional bond between you and your baby. The smiles, coos, and shared moments contribute to a sense of security and trust.

Improved Sleep Patterns

Babies who engage in regular tummy time often experience improved sleep patterns. The physical activity helps expend energy, leading to more restful sleep for both baby and parent.


When to Start Tummy Time

The journey of tummy time begins early in your baby's life, but it's essential to introduce it gradually:

Early Beginnings

Start tummy time as soon as your baby is comfortable after birth. Begin with short sessions, gradually increasing the duration as your baby becomes more accustomed to the position. A good start is to lie your tummy to tummy on your chest (when you are wide awake and unlikely to fall asleep).


Tailor the tummy time experience to your baby's age. Newborns may start with just a few minutes a day, while older babies can enjoy longer sessions of tummy time on the floor.


How To Do Tummy Time

Making tummy time enjoyable for your baby involves a bit of creativity and a lot of patience.

Incorporate Tummy Time Into Daily Routines

Integrate tummy time into your baby's daily routine, making it a natural part of their day. For example, place them on their tummy after a nappy change or before nap time.

Use Age-Appropriate Toys

Make tummy time exciting by introducing age-appropriate toys. Soft, colorful objects can capture their attention and encourage reaching and grabbing movements.

Interactive Play

Get down to their level during tummy time. Make funny faces, sing songs, or play peek-a-boo to keep them engaged and entertained.

Safe and Supervised

Always ensure a safe environment for tummy time. Use a soft mat or blanket on the floor, and never leave your baby unattended.


Overcoming Challenges

Tummy time might not be smooth sailing from the start, but with a few adjustments, you can overcome common challenges:

Fussy Babies

If your baby seems fussy during tummy time, try placing a rolled-up towel under their chest to make the position more comfortable. Gradually, they'll become accustomed to the sensation. Our little one didn’t always enjoy tummy time, so we just took it at his pace, made it as fun as possible, and tried not to worry too much.

Take It Slow

If your baby initially resists tummy time, don't worry. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time as they become more comfortable.


When it comes to tummy time, embrace the process, enjoy the bonding moments, and celebrate the achievements, no matter how small. As you embark on this adventure, remember that every baby is unique, so pay attention to their cues, and make tummy time a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your little one. Have fun!


Resources For Parents

For additional support and information on tummy time, check these sites out:

NHS - Start4Life

Visit NHS Start4Life for comprehensive guidance on baby development, including tummy time.

NCT - Early Days

Explore the "Early Days" section on NCT for valuable insights into pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.

RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health)

Visit the RCPCH website for authoritative information on child health, including advice on tummy time.

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